Analysis of the hardware packed within the armored body pretty much confirmed our suspicion: cutting-edge computer chips and sensory modules, a tiny, but powerful fusion reactor and loads of hidden tools and weapons - the Super AI must have had access to research labs working at the forefront of robotics, microchips and military tech. And it must have taken over various advanced factories around the world in order to produce those things.
After lots of trial and error, Gerry managed to break into the operating system of the creature and confirmed our worst fears: it is acting fully autonomous based on a prioritized set of rules that can only be updated from a specific, verified entity.
Therefore, we've classified the creatures as Lethal Autonomous Weapons of the Tarantula class (T-LAWs), the latter due to its spider-like form.
Gerry continued to investigate and finally cracked the code. By running a set of commands we're now able to force T-LAWs within the proximity of our signal into updating its internal list of trusted entities to inject a new entity. After that, we can simply override the prioritized set of rules using the signature of the injected entity.
But with our backs against the wall, we don't have another choice...